Gardening services

Looking after communal grounds – our commitment

The maintenance of communal grounds, such as the gardens around our retirement living communities, is the responsibility of our Property Plus grounds maintenance team.

The team has set out a clear service standard for this work, so that you know what to expect.


If you have any concerns you would like to report about communal grounds maintenance you can use our online form below

Report communual issues form

Grass cutting

Grass will be cut every ten working days, working out at between 14 and 16 visits each year, weather permitting.

In a new, greener approach, the team will be cutting and dropping – this is called ‘grasscycling’. Box collections will take place twice a year.

Grasscycling will:

  • Save time and money by eliminating the collection and removal of grass cuttings for 90% of the cuts undertaken throughout the year.
  • Encourage healthier grass and release nutrients into the soil
  • Provide a natural source of fertiliser and help the soil to retain water
  • Save energy by conserving the fuel that is required to take cuttings to landfill/ composting sites, helping us to reduce our carbon footprint
  • Save valuable landfill/composting space

Research also indicates that the decomposition of grass cuttings may substantially enhance soil microbial activity and that significant amounts of nutrients, mainly nitrogen, can be returned to the soil by grasscycling, reducing fertiliser use.

Paths – hardstanding

Paths will be swept clear of grass, leaves and litter after every cut.

Hardstanding spaces like washing drying areas will be kept clear of moss, sprayed annually and litter-picked each month.


Hedges in communal areas will be cut once a year in winter, along with a trim in August to keep access clear.

Due to the Wildlife & Country Act 1981, we are unable to cut hedges until August, due to the nesting season.

However, if a road junction is being obstructed or a pathway is impassable because of an overgrown hedge, we can do a sight line cut – the height will not be reduced until August.


During dry weather we carry out the spraying of weeds in as many areas as possible. We cannot undertake this work when it’s raining as it will not be successful.

Strimming and weed spraying cannot be carried out at the same time as it will be ineffective. Weeds should start to die off 7-10 working days after being treated so should not need strimming.

Gardening services

Although we do not undertake planting or landscaping, regular weeding is carried out. If you would like to extend or change the gardening service we provide at your scheme please contact your retirement living officer.

Please note that any proposed service changes would need to be reviewed and agreed with all residents living at your scheme, as any variations would be reflected in an increased service charge.

Winter tasks

During the winter period, the grounds maintenance team also helps and supports our repairs and maintenance teams, ensuring that we use all of our resources as efficiently and effectively as possible.

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