Contact us

Did you know you can make a payment by phone 24/7? Simply call 0800 048 8955 and choose ‘pay your rent’ to be directed to our quick and easy automated payment service. Other payment options can be found here. 

Call us

0800 048 8955

When you call us during office hours, you will be greeted with a number of options.  
If you are calling to pay your rent, please press 1. 
If you are calling about a property in South Staffordshire (formerly SSHA), please press 2. 
If you are calling about a property in Stafford (formerly SARH), please press 3.
If you are calling about a property in Shropshire (formerly Severnside), please press 4.


My Homes Plus

When you contact us by phone we will ask you some security questions to identify you before we can discuss any personal information. If you would like someone else to talk to us on your behalf you will need to contact us and give us your permission. You can do this by completing the third party disclosure form on our documents page and returning it to us at:

Customer services team
Homes Plus,
Acton Court,
Acton Gate,
ST18 9AP

Email us

Write to us:

Acton Court,
Acton Gate,
ST18 9AP.

Customer office addresses:


1 Parker Court,
Staffordshire Technology Park,
ST18 0WP


Brassey Road,
Old Potts Way,


Meet Chatticus, the Homes Plus chatbot

Chatticus can: 

  • Give instant answers to your questions 24/7, 365 days a year.
  • Answer your question in seven different languages.
  • Put your query through to a member of our team, during office hours, if it can’t find the answer to your question. 

To get started, simply click the new icon in the bottom right corner from any page of our website.

Opening hours

Our current office hours are listed below.

Monday8.30am to 5.00pm
Tuesday8.30am to 5.00pm
Wednesday8.30am to 5.00pm
Thursday8.30am to 5.00pm
Friday8.30am to 4.00pm


You said, we’re doing

We are listening to your feedback to improve our services. See our ‘you said, we’re doing’ page to find out more.

You said, we’re doing

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