If you are experiencing problems with your money or benefits, we may be able to help you.
We understand that benefits can be complex and you might not be aware of the wide range of benefits you may be entitled to. Our employment and money advice team can provide information and advice on a wide range of welfare entitlements including:
Housing Benefit
Council Tax Support
Income Support
Job Seekers Allowance
Employment Support Allowance
Child and Working Tax Credit
Disability Living Allowance
Attendance Allowance
Pension Credits
We work closely with other agencies, so even if you are claiming the money you are entitled to, they may be able to help you to access other types of help – including debt advice, energy efficiency advice and tenancy support.
What else can we do?
There are other ways we can help if you are struggling with your money:
Help you to apply for money from trust funds or charities to assist with debts and bills;
Help you to claim a Discretionary Housing Payment if your Housing Benefit doesn’t cover all your rent
Advice on getting loans and saving money with your local credit union
To contact our employment and money advice team please call 0800 048 8955 or email ema.staffordshire@homesplus.co.uk or ema.shropshire@homesplus.co.uk.