The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) is proposing new Tenant Satisfaction Measures and we are keen to know your thoughts on them.
Tenant Satisfaction Measures are used by the Regulator to check housing landlords’ performance and quality of service, and to hold us to account. So, it’s important that the Tenant Satisfaction Measures which are agreed by government regulation reflect what really matters to you, our customer.
Below is a document which outlines the themes and measures that are being proposed by the Regulator.
Proposed tenant satisfaction themes and measures
You can let them know what you think about them, whether you agree with them or have any suggestions on other areas that could be looked at by completing the online consultation form below:
TSM Consultation Survey (snapsurveys.com)
The closing date for the consultation is 6.30pm on Thursday 3 March 2022.
If you would like to know more or need support to provide your feedback, please contact our Customer Voice team on customervoice@housingplusgroup.co.uk or by calling 0800 048 8955.
You can also find out more by viewing the Government’s consultation summary or by viewing the easy read consultation booklet.