National Involvement Week (14-18 October)
This week is Tpas’ National Involvement Week.
Tpas is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes, supports and champions tenant involvement and empowerment in social housing across England.
Today, we’re celebrating the positive changes our involved customers bring to our communities, services and customers’ lives.
In the last year, members of our Customer Partnership Panel (CPP) volunteered 707 hours of their time to get involved with our annual report, review policies and documents, test our new chatbot before it went live and give feedback on how we should present the results of our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). Thanks to their feedback a total of 55 changes were made to our policies and documents over the last year.
After being relaunched last year, our Virtual Customer Panel (VCP) members have taken part in seven surveys so far. Through these surveys they have provided us with valuable feedback on how we can better promote our Community Hubs, their knowledge of anti-social behaviour (ASB) and how inclusive they think we are as an organisation.
This year, members of our CPP are getting even more involved in the work we do through our new Customer Experience Committee. This is a sub-committee of the CPP who meet quarterly to discuss key subjects such as the Consumer Standards and TSMs. This feedback is then shared with our Homes Plus Board through our new Board Co-Optee, who has a place on both the CPP and the Board.
This increased level of customer involvement will build a stronger relationship between our customers and the Board.